Being strategic is about having a plan and working the plan.
You will have heard the expression, If you fail to plan then you plan to fail.
With the term ahead of you and with lots to do, it is worth spending time this week to plan out each week so you smoothly work through everything by the end with less fear of last minute panic and potential burnt out.
There are many ways to plan out the term from a simple spreadsheet or table in word with each week plotted out or use a google calendar.

Look at what is happening each week, deadlines, events, meetings, project or task delivery dates and mark them in.
Then take each one and work backwards through what needs to be done for each. Break each one down into its smaller components and note when is the best time to get started.
Scatter the start times. They don’t all need to be started now even though you may want to. If you scatter the start times you can then concentrate on one or two at a time. You will achieve more if you focus on less at one time.
Then take your planning documents and go to your diary/schedule and block out time each week for your tasks. Yes, block time each week, during the work day, not after hours or the weekend. During the work day. Be strong. You can go this. Then make yourself unavailable during those times so that the time is protected from other things. If you have an assistant, let them know when you are going to be unavailable for each week.
If it helps, do this activity with a colleague and keep each other accountable.
Do this planning in the same way for your team, and share the document so that everyone is “on the same page” and you are all working together towards the same goals.
Doing this gives you your plan, now it is up to you to work the plan.
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