Helping you lead confidently and stand out.
If you are wanting to:
- improve your leadership
- clearly identify your career direction
- get clarity around your executive brand
- ensure your LinkedIn profile and activities are sharing your educational approach
- present a stand-out resume and well structured supporting application documents
Janine can help you, so you are not only confident in who you are as a leader, but you know what you have already achieved, and where you can take your leadership and career.
Sessions could explore:
- Lifting your leadership performance
- Identifying your behavioural & communication style
- Improving your leadership style
- Leading your team forward
- Work relationship challenges
- Career direction
- Social media profile
- Resume structure
- Cover letter, Selectin Criteria analysis and critique
- Interview preparation
- Strategic actions for the future
Career Support Services
Behavioural Profiling – using science to explain how you lead.
Leaders need to know themselves first before they can lead well.
Effective leaders know themselves: their strengths, challenges, how they prefer to go about their work and what activities excite or exhaust them.
You can find out all of this from a behavioural profile.
Leaders who understand and know themselves well are more effective in everything they do. After completing a 20 minute on-line questionnaire, an accurate and thorough 40-page leadership report (DISC) is produced that maps your behavioural and communication preferences, how you might be perceived by others, your tendencies, areas for improvement and strategies to assist you to improve your interactions with others and lift your work performance.
The behavioural profile tool combines the two sciences of performance that help you to understand yourself in how you behave and communicate and why you move into action, using the very well-known and research – based DISC and Driving Forces.
Janine will walk you through the report in a private and confidential debrief. Using a coaching style, Janine will work with you to analyse the report findings and help you to create strategic actions to move your leadership and career forward.